Friday, December 27, 2019

Annual Engineers Week Introduces Young People to the World of ...

Annual Engineers Week Introduces Young People to the World of ... Annual Engineers Week Introduces Young People to the World of ... Annual Engineers Week Introduces Young People to the World of EngineeringFor nearly 70 years, the contributions of engineers and their impact on society have been highlighted each February during Engineers Week. This years event, which will take place from Feb. 17 to 23, will include a number of interesting and educational events including Family Day, the Future City Competition Finals, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day and the Global Marathon.Organized by DiscoverE, Engineers Week is co-chaired by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) and the DiscoverE Leadership Council, which includes Bechtel, Bentley Systems, ExxonMobil, Lockheed Martin, NCEES, the Northrop Grumman Foundation, Shell Oil, TE Connectivity and the safety organization UL.Each year, more than 6,000 students, educators and parents take part in DiscoverE Family Day, which kicks off Engineers Week on Feb. 16 at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. The festival, which has been held for the past 27 years, will feature dozens of exhibits presented by local and national engineering organizations including the ASME Washington D.C. Section that are intended to enable children under the age of 12 to experience first-hand the wonders and excitement of engineering. To learn more about Family Day, visit final round of another popular DiscoverE program, the Future City Competition, will also take place in Washington, D.C., during Engineers Week. Each year, the competition challenges middle-school students to research, design and build their concept of what a city of the future would look like. ASME President Said Jahanmir and ASME Past President Vickie Rockwell will serve as judges for the competition, which will take place at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. Jahanmir will also take part in the F uture City Competition Finals ceremony and present a special ASME Best Futuristic City Award to one of the Future City teams on Feb. 19. For more information on the Future City Competition Finals, visit a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day), on Feb. 21, will offer a variety of activities intended to familiarize young women with the exciting world of engineering and the contributions engineers make to society. For more information on Girl Day, or to learn how to become a Girl Day role model, visit not a part of the formal Engineers Week program in February, the Global Marathon continues the spirit of Engineers Week throughout the month of March and into April. The Global Marathon, which kicks off March 6, is a series of free, weekly verbunden discussions offering practical career advice for women engineers. ASME member Lisa Drinnan, chair of the ASME Delaware Section and engineering p roject coordinator at KBR Inc., will appear as a panelist in a Global Marathon session on March 27 addressing work-life balance. To learn more about the Global Marathon, visit more information on DiscoverE Engineers Week, visit

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sales Manager Telecommuting Jobs

schlussverkauf Manager Telecommuting JobsSales Manager Telecommuting JobsThis post is part of a series of posts in which we highlight professions, jobs, and job tasks that can be done in part or fully through telecommuting.Sales Manager Telecommuting JobsSummary Sales managers sell products and services for companies by finding prospects, making presentations, building relationships, guiding new customers through the sales cycle, educating customers, and closing deals.Typical Tasks Identifying and researching sales prospects, contacting customers, building and maintaining strong relationships, making presentations, negotiating contracts and pricingSkills Strong communication skills, assertiveness, ability to understand and convey product informationEmployers Any company that sells products or services in every industry (e.g., pharma, publishing, consulting, and technology)Training/Education Sales manager telecommuting jobs generally do not require licensing or certifications. Many co mpanies require specific industry and product knowledge. Some sales positions require extensive education or expertise in order to properly represent complex or highly technical solutions/products/services to current and prospective customers.Telecommuting Companies looking to expand their sales presence beyond their amtsstube locations often hire for sales manager telecommuting jobs based from home offices for regular, full-time, benefits-eligible positions. Depending on the hiring organization and its business model, positions may be commission-only. Positions may require travel, mostly within the sales territory where the sales managers home office is located.Click here to view current sales telecommuting jobs on .

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

7 things deeply intuitive people do differently

7 things deeply intuitive people do differently7 things deeply intuitive people do differentlySteve Jobs once said that intuition is mora powerful than intellect. As it turns out, Jobs welches onto something, and the scientific community backs him up. It seems that weve been giving intuition far too little respect.In a Salk Institute study, participants were asked to play a card game where they pulled cards from two different decks.The decks were rigged so that one would win more often than the other, but the participants didnt know that- at least, not overtly. It took about 50 cards for participants to consciously realize that the decks were different and about 80 to figure out what that difference was.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHowever, what was really interesting was that it only took about 10 cards for their palms to start sweating slightly every time they reached for a card from the losing deck. It was about that same time that they started subconsciously favoring the winning deck.While thats all very interesting in a clinical setting, you have to ask yourself if it holds true in real life. Apparently, it does. When it comes to making major decisions, your intuition can matter just as much as your intellect.In one study, car buyers who relied on careful analysis of all of the available information were happy with their purchases about 25% of the time, while buyers who made quicker, more intuitive purchases were happy with their purchases about 60% of the time.Intuition comes from the primitive brain its an artifact of the early days of man when the brains ability to detect hidden dangers ensured our survival. These days, we use this capability so little that we dont know how to listen to it properly.Whether you listen to it or not, your intuition is healthy and functioning. If you want to make better decisions in life, youd do well to brush up on your intuition skills. You can start by emulating some of the habits of highly intuitive people.They slow down enough to hear their inner voiceBefore you can pay attention to your intuition, you first have to be able to hear it amid the cacophony of your busy life. You have to slow down and listen, which often requires solitude. Taking some time away from the everyday, even something as brief as going for a walk, is a great way to turn up the volume of your intuition.They follow their inner voiceOne of the primary reasons that some people are more intuitive than others is that they actually listen to their gut feeling instead of dismissing or doubting it. And that doesnt mean that they ignore their analytical mind and their critical thinking skills theres a difference between using reason as a system of checks and balances and using it to talk yourself out of what your intuition knows to be true.They practice empathic accuracyId probably lose you if I said that highly intuitive peo ple read minds, so Ill use the scientific term empathic accuracy. Its not magic its an intuitive awareness of what other people are thinking and feeling, using cues such as body language and tone of voice. Its an extremely powerful form of empathy that helps foster deep connections with other people.They practice mindfulnessMindfulness sounds even more New-Agey than trusting your intuition, but its really just a fancy term for focusing on being in the moment. Mindfulness is a great technique to filter out all of the distractions in your environment- and your brain. When you do that, you can hear your intuition loud and clear.They nurture their creativityDid you ever have one of those paint-by-number kits when you were a kid? Talk about turning art into a science- all you have to do is put the right color in the right little space. You may end up with a pretty painting, but the only intuition involved is guessing what colors youre supposed to use in those really tiny spaces. No paint -by-numbers kit in the world can make a skilled artist create something as novel and monumental as the Sistine Chapel or the Mona Lisa. The missing ingredient is intuition. And, just as intuition is the secret ingredient in creativity, being intentionally creative strengthens your use of intuition.They trust their gutHave you ever made a decision and immediately started to feel sick, maybe even kind of clammy? Well, that affective experience is the bodys way of informing you that the decision your analytic mind came to is at odds with your instinct.They analyze their dreamsIf you accept the science that demonstsatzs the power of intuition, its not much of a leap to accept that our dreams are often manifestations of intuition. Sure, sometimes dreams are nonsense, but they often try to tell us something. Intuitive people dont just think, Wow, that was a weird dream they ask themselves, Where did that come from, and what can I take away from it?Bringing It All TogetherThe science is cl ear intuition is a powerful force of the mind that can help us to make better decisions. Fortunately, intuition is a skill that you can hone by practicing the habits of highly intuitive people.How would you rate your intuition? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.This article first appeared on Linkedin.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What To Do if Your Boss Catches You Job Searching

What To Do if Your Boss Catches You Job SearchingWhat To Do if Your Boss Catches You Job SearchingWhoops Your babo just discovered that youre interviewing for a new job. Theres no telling how it happened maybe she heard it through the grapevine. Perhaps she found incriminating emails on your work computer. Or, it could be that an employer youve applied to contacted her to learn more about your work history. Now what? First of all, its time for some serious damage control. Youll need to act quickly, especially if your job search was merely exploratory and you want to keep your current job. What to do next depends on what you were doing when you caught, and how much your manager has discovered. What To Do if the Boss Catches You Job Searching In todays competitive employment climate, it isnt unusual for employers to try to steal top talent from their competitors. Perhaps you werent actively seeking employment, but were solicited by a recruiter or another employer to interview. If so, tell your boss that you love your job, you want to stay, and you were simply interested in hearing what the company had to say. Make it very clear that you dont have plans to leave in the near future (if, in fact, thats the case). If you have built a strong rapport with your employer during your tenure, it may well happen (in a best case scenario) that they inquire about what benefits another employer is offering you and decide to give you a comparable raise, a more flexible work schedule, or other benefits. When You Were Considering a Job Change Were you considering a job change? Janet Scarborough Civitelli,, suggests explaining to your supervisor that your standard operating procedure forcareer managementis to do continual assessment of yourshort- and long-term career goals. If you present your participation in an interview as a chance to learn more about your marketability and competitiveness in the job marketplace rather than as a rejection of your cur rent job, your boss may (hopefully) take it less personally. It also puts them on notice that you take your career seriously and intend to steadily advance upward on your career ladder. When You Hate Your Job Do youhate your joband cant wait to find a new one? Then maybe getting caught isnt such a bad thing. This might be a good opportunity to review the issues you have and perhaps even resolve them. At the very least, your discussion with your boss will clear the air and get the problems on the table. Worst case scenario, you can make plans for an amicable departure and perhaps gain your employers support and assistance in your job search. Tell the Truth Whatever the circumstances - tell the truth. Especially in a case like this, where youve been caught red-handed and there just isnt too much you can say to deny that youve been involved in a job search. Lies always seem to find a way to come back to haunt you If you arent straightforward with your response, be prepared for an uncomfortable time period until you and the boss get back into a normal routine and a level of trust is restored. Dont be surprised if your boss is upset for quite a while, whether or not you tell the truth. You should realize that she may wonder if and when you are going to resign and whether she should consider replacing you. Just remember - these are routine consequences when you decide to actively pursue a new job you hope to do for the rest of your working career. How Not to Get Caught When you dont want your current employer to find out that you are job hunting, there are steps you can take to keep your job search confidential. These include requesting that a potential employer keep their knowledge of your application secret, and posting your resume on job sites that allow you to keep your contact information and current employers name under wraps. By no means should you conduct your job search on your employers campus. Use a private email address and cell phone and you r personal computer or tablet not your work computer to conduct your career search. If an employer calls you on your cell phone while youre in the office, let them leave a message and return their call as soon as possible from somewhere that your conversation wont be overheard. Finally, be careful what information you share about your job search on social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. While networking on social media can be a good means to learn about new jobs, its also a sure-fire way to let the cat out of the bag..

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Professional Acting Resume Exposed

Professional Acting Resume Exposed Even when you have not done any professional acting you may want to incorporate any role you had in the previous like in high school or college. The struggles they do face with getting jobs simply to survive can be made easier. Very good luck and should you ever need help, dont hesitate to get in touch with us You might now search for a job sitting comfortably in your property. The job posting will allow you to understand precisely what you would like to understand about just what the employer is definitely interested in hearing about. Brad Friedman supplies a clean, clear, distinct appearance. Use this as a chance to let your sons or daughters personality shine If you want to receive an amazing job, youll need a resume that employers desire to read. Its critical to be honest even should you not have any experience yet. Past experience might have already helped you to develop that understanding, yet its important to recognize there are ofte n nuances that have various roles at various levels you could not take note of. Because you dont have sufficient expert experience youre able to include your education and any relevant courses you have taken. Type of Professional Acting Resume The main reason is low quality of images which impact the quality of print on paper. Whenever you have drafted and organized your information according to the sort of resume youve chosen, be sure to formatting it according to typical professional specifications. No unnecessary information should be offered in it. Besides altering the dummy text there may be additional information which you wish to include. The clean and easy design of Premium Resume by CodePower lets you receive all the attention. Every one of the following resume templates can readily be customized to make a resume for actors and let them stick out from the competition. Resume templates from Envato Elements are simple to customize, which means you can showcase your p erforming experience and unique skills. Our Student Resume Template can help you land the best internships and positions that are available to you. Also included are templates for your portfolio and company cards, which you might find useful also. Deciding upon the right format There are a fantastic number of acceptable formats for the resume. You have to incorporate a physical description also. Its full of tons of great info and you need to absolutely have a look before you create your first resume. If youre searching for a fresh job or mean to shift your present task then youll want to post your resume in various places as possible to boost your visibility in the front of the conceivable employers. A search can help you find extra resources. Continue reading this guide to discover how. The probability of obtaining a casting call increases with the caliber of the profile. You dont wish to be requested to do something which you have limited experience with. The project tit le ought to be left-aligned, the kind of role centered and the manufacturing company right-aligned. Think about the best method to present your performances based on your precise industry and experience. Our resume examples offer inspiration, but more importantly guidance on the way to structure and compose the elements. By clearly displaying your military experience and explaining your exclusive responsibilities, youll have the ability to find the attention from employers you have earned. Clear out a specific quantity of time and make certain the information being documented is well presented and accurate. Potential businesses will probably be scrutinizing the resume and could inform the sort of person youre with what you involve and how structured it seems to be. Confirm you have experience in the front of the camera. An individual must always showcase themselves in the ideal light to further in this subject. If your kid is not participating in any service-oriented activitie s, now is an excellent time to get started. Make the procedure for building the resume collaborative and enjoyable.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Find Candidates with the Communication Skills of the Future

How to Find Candidates with the Communication Skills of the FutureCommunication skills are always in-demand, but since the ways we communicate change, recruiters arent always looking for the same old skills from candidates. Wouldnt it be great if you knew what the next hot skill is going to be?To get you ahead of the game, we asked recruiting experts about the most important communication trends impacting the workplace in the near future. Based off those trends, they have predictions about the communication skills you should start looking for now. This way, as new changes pop up, you already have the employees you need to succeed as a team.Here are four communication trends that experts have noticed and the skills they suggest prioritizing to make the most of the trendAsynchronous communicationAs mentioned in a 2018 survey, 55 percent of remote workers now telecommute on a full-time basis. This means employees have to work in varying time zones, on top of having to communicate with p eople from diverse cultural backgrounds. Being remote means employees have to depend more on asynchronous communication (e.g. emails). Methods of speaking in person, on the phone, or through live chat may be challenging due to varying time zones.Find out if candidates have peers, colleagues, friends, and family members in different time zones, and what tools they use to communicate with them. This helps determine if the candidates are able to explain their views about a complex topic through written text without relying on verbal or in-person communication. Syed Irfan Ajmal, managing director of GigWorkerTelecommuniting is changing the communicationskills recruiters need to look for.Click To TweetStorytellingWhether youre a rising manager or the CEO, being a strong storyteller will take you far. And in todays always-on, always-connected virtual world, being able to tell a compelling story effectively is even more critical. People have less time and their attention is being pulled in more directions than ever. So its crucial that employees and leaders alike become skilled in storytelling. Actions people need to take to ensure they can be effective communicatorsProactively close the gap between what we say and what we mean. Make your strategy a compelling story so people will want to be a part of it. Dont place foolish emphasis on WIIFM (Whats In It For Me). While that is certainly an important question to gain clarity on, we have found that engaging people in the adventure and possibilities of what can be created together is even more important. Jim Haudan, co-founder and Chairman of Root Inc. and Rich Berens, CEO of Root Inc. co-authors of What Are Your Blind Spots? Conquering the 5 Misconceptions that Hold Leaders BackAI and social mediaWith all the digitalization of communication, candidates and employees should be technically savvy and familiar with remote communication skills. Being able to present oneself online in a way that is eloquent and professional through digital communications like email and social media will be more important to thecompanys public image. With all the automation, it is also important to be personable and engaging in all of their communication between co-workers, customers,and clients.At ProSky, were a big supporter of performance-based hiring, or basically, testing candidates on their soft skills and technical skills through projects and challengesbefore hiring. These projects can be completed in a team-setting with current employees or on an individual basis to get an accurate representation of communication skills proficiency and cultural fit with the company.Crystal Huang, CEO of ProSkyWith the rise of AI communication, employees need to have the soft skills to communicate with coworkers.Click To TweetUsing multiple toolsAs technology continues to advance, global communication becomes easier, and remote teams become more prevalent in organizations. And I can see the ability to communicate effectively over digital becoming a skill that hiring managers look for in candidates, especially those in managerial or leadership positions.Being able to clearly communicate directives and strategies over voice, video, and text-based tools (such as text messaging, direct messaging, and email) will become increasingly important. You can also add the ability to leverage project planning or organizational tools to track tasks across global teams as a skill that will become increasingly more important for hiring managers building teams for the future.Kane Carpenter, director of Employment BOOST

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why you keep waking up covered in sweat

Why you keep waking up covered in sweatWhy you keep waking up covered in sweatIf youre waking up in a pool of sweat, youre not alone. Recent studies suggest as many as 1 in 3 primary care patients reported experiencing night sweats in the past month. It could be those heavy blankets, or the spicy food you ate before bed. Or it could be any number of medical conditions - some minor, others more serious - manifesting as night sweats.A literature review in theJournal of the American Board of Family Medicinecovered the basics. Panic attacks, sleep problems, fever, numbness in hands and feet, anxiety and stress, and trouble breathing at night are all predictors for night sweats. A handful of medications can cause this too, including those prescribed to treat depression and diabetes. In extreme cases,according to theMayo Clinic,night sweats can be a sign of autoimmune disease, cancer, stroke, or thyroid disease.But there may be more likely, if less terrifying, causelow testosterone.Rough ly 70% of women experience hot flashes at menopause, when their estrogen levels plummet. Men usually get off easy, because they do not typically experience an abrupt drop in their own sex hormone, testosterone. But when low-T does strike, it can have many of the same impacts as menopause - except in men. Men who have received androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer, for instance, often report hot flashes. And while the drop in testosterone that most new fathers experience is hardly significant enough to cause night sweats, it may contribute to a pre-existing low-T problem.Scientists arent sure why low-T causes hot flashes and night sweats. The hypothalamus, the brain region responsible for temperature regulation, is a likely culprit. When the body is overheating, the hypothalamus directs blood vessels to dilate, increasing blow flow and causing the face to flush red. Meanwhile, to counter this temperature increase, the body converts that warm flush into cold, clammy sweat. Low testosterone may play a role in interrupting this careful balance, causing the hypothalamus to misfire and produce cold, clammy sweat in the middle of the night, when it is most unwelcome.Supplemental testosterone may help (although this is not an option for men with prostate cancer), and other treatments are available. So it is important to talk with your doctor if you are regularly waking up cold, wet, and clammy. Its probably nothing serious, and your testosterone is probably just fine. But the sooner you pinpoint the cause, the better.This article was originally published on

Saturday, November 23, 2019

FourBlock A Career Transition Program for Vets

FourBlock A Career Transition Program for VetsFourBlock A Career Transition Program for VetsIts no secret that veterans face unique challenges when separating or retiring from the military. One of the many challenges of the transition is finding gainful employment that allows them to utilize their skills and continue to make meaningful impacts.Although veterans participate in a transition program prior to their departure from the service, there can be a gap that needs to be addressed as they make their final move into the civilian world. FourBlock, a nonprofit organization, can help through its career transition program for vets.FourBlock is a program designed to help veterans pursue meaningful careers while maximizing their potential. The program is university accredited and offered twice a year in major cities across the United States, such as Philadelphia, Charlotte, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, Orlando, and more. For those without a program near them, FourBlock may provide cas e-by-case career counseling services.Here are some of the details of the career transition programThe semester-long program meets for 10 weeks, totaling over 30 hours of engagement.One-on-one mentorship is provided to help with transition and career strategies.Participants will attend networking events and in-person lectures, and get practical application experience.Those teaching and leading programs are either instructors or professionals from leading companies.After completing the program, follow-up support is offered, such as nationwide networking events and career counseling.Throughout the FourBlock program, participants get to focus on areas that make transitioning difficult, such as translating military service into civilian experience. Upon completion, each participant should feel more confident in their ability to communicate their military experiences, have a professional network to continue to grow, understand corporate culture, and have a personalized career search strat egy.On the flip side of the organization, FourBlock works closely with education and employer partners. These partners provide a range of support from sponsorship to lectures to hiring. Some of the well-known partners include PricewaterhouseCoopers, USAA, LinkedIn, MetLife, JPMorgan Chase, Accenture, AIG, Amazon, Deloitte, AmerisourceBergen, EY, GE, Goldman Sachs, Google, KPMG, Vanguard, Johns Hopkins University, Georgia Tech, Bunker Labs, Warrior-Scholar Project, and many more.Together, these tools, resources, and partnerships can help veterans confidently enter the civilian workforce and into a career where they find meaning, feel valued, and continue to be challenged.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sweat the Details of Your Job Search

Sweat the Details of Your Job SearchSweat the Details of Your Job SearchWhen your job application is competing with many others, its the little details that count.Did you know that March 4th is National Grammar Day ? The holiday was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar(SPOGG)and author of Things That Make Us Sic , to remind people to speak well, write well, and help others do the same.In todays saturated job market, its in your best interest to treat every day like grammar day. When your application is competing with hundreds of others, the smallest error can be used to eliminate you from the pile.In this mobile age, weve grown accustomed to using short-hand for texts and tweets, and have become all too reliant on spell-check. These days, its very easy to overlook the little mistakes, such as using higher when you really meant to say hire.Its time to sweat the small stuff, folks Use this checklist to make sure you make the right impression with prospective employers.Job applicationsBe careful with capitalization, punctuation and grammar in both your cover letter, and your resume errors in these not only look bad, but they can confuse the ATS software and scramble your application in the system. Embedded images, charts and other objects will have the same effect. The chances of an employer taking the time to manually fix your application in the system are slim to none.EmailUse an email address that incorporates the name you use professionally on your resume and cover letter. Cutesy, offensive, flirtatious or sexual addresses send hiring managers the wrong message.Follow upRead the job description carefully. If an application deadline is listed, then follow up one week after that date. If you cant find a deadline, send your follow-up note one week after your initial application. Remember, if the job listing states no calls,do notcall to follow up. The employer will assume you cant follow directions .Online presenceRemember that spelling and proper grammar even in the Twittersphere count. In fact, Jobvites social recruiting survey found that employers were more turned off by misspellings and grammatical errors found on candidates social media profiles than by images of the candidates drinking an alcoholic beverage. Your online presence has become an increasingly important part of an employers screening process make sure yours passes the test.Interview next stepsIf your interview requires you to bring samples of your work, choose your best and most applicable pieces and give them a good proofread. Also, carefully proofread your thank-you note. Then read it again. Then have your friend proofread it. Make sure everything is spelled properly (including the interviewers name and title), and correct all typos before hitting the send button or dropping the envelope into the mailbox.As a job seeker, theres no excuse for handing in work samples, job applications or any other communi cation related to the interview process with grammatical errors and typos. If youre not a natural writer, or youre struggling to craft the right resume, seek help from a professional.If youre looking for some resources to improve your knowledge of punctuation and grammar, check out the following booksEats, Shoots Leaves The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne TrussWoe Is I The Grammarphobes Guide to Better English in Plain English by Patricia T. OConner